7 Things I Did in 2020 That Feel Like They Happened 10 Years Ago

Ash Chapman
2 min readDec 31, 2020

“Let’s look back on 2020,” I said. “It’ll be fun,” I said.

And with that I delved deep into my mind and uncovered seven noteworthy events in my life that I’d already shelved as long-term memory.

A picture of the earth moving around the sun. What even happened this year?
Created by myself, fueled by confusion, made using Canva.

1. Saw Beetlejuice on Broadway with the full original cast. (Already, a world in which you can just…go to Broadway…feels like a fever dream.)

2. Started a YouTube vlog, now inactive. (The channel content’s nothing special, but I’m linking to my Happy New Year 2020 video because it’s…wild, in retrospect.)

3. Started a YouTube speedpaint channel, also inactive. (This was in April, which probably tells you everything you need to know.)

4. Got quarantined in Raleigh, NC, while I was a live-in babysitter for my four elementary school-aged cousins…and lived.

5. Took a six-week online voice acting class? Fun, but not for me (at least not yet).

6. Started a B2B freelance content writing business. This happened in November, but it still blows my mind. Did I really just…do that???

7. Landed my first client in December. Again, pretty recent. But also…what??? I’m incredibly happy and incredibly confused.

To make this even crazier, I got my BA in English in December 2019. It’s been…one heck of a year.

2020 has taught me a lot about what parts of my life are actually within my control. Somehow I control a lot less — but also a lot more — than I used to think. It’s been a year of experimenting, learning, and growing.

And honestly, if I learned this much in just one year…I’m kind of scared of 2021. Scared, but excited. Is it foolish to say, “Bring it on?”

Probably, but here I go.



Ash Chapman

Ash creates content and copy for B2B SaaS and marketing companies at povcopy.com. The oldest of 10 kids, Ash knows how to handle chaos like a pro.